
  Tutte le offerte

Half Board All-Inclusive Offer 2024

Book now and stay at Hotel Olympia between 25 May and 8 June 2024
Take advantage of our all inclusive offer

59 Euros per person per day, with drinks and beach included
And for children under 6 the stay is free

This season, our restaurant will be open for lunch with takeaway dishes that customers can order and enjoy in our private areas, such as the hotel garden, the beach, or the restaurant lounge in case of bad weather. As for dinner, we will continue to offer table service in the hotel restaurant with a menu choice between meat or fish. 

Remember that this is an offer valid for a minimum stay of one week

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Call 333 872 6197 to book the offer, or WRITE US.

Chiama al 333 872 6197 per prenotare l'offerta

We will be closed from September 15 to May 23.

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Riceverai una mail per verificare la disponibilità e il preventivo
per completare la prenotazione del tuo soggiorno.