Why Senigallia

The promenade in Senigallia, which boasts to be one of the most picturesque seaside towns of the Marches, is prized for its subtle golden sand and clear sea, clean and shallow waters.

Simbolo di questa bellissima spiaggia è la famosa Rotonda sul mare, centro fin dal 1933 di intriganti serate da ballo e piacevoli pomeriggi, che si offre oggi, riportata al suo antico splendore, come importante vetrina di tutte le proposte originali della cultura contemporanea.

Nelle calde serate estive il lungomare si anima di tanti locali con musica dal vivo e ristoranti che cucinano dell'ottimo pesce fresco dell'Adriatico. Senigallia non è solamente una stupenda località di mare dove trascorrere le proprie vacanze all'insegna del relax, del sole e del divertimento, ma anche un meraviglioso centro storico dove apprezzare le bellezze del passato: la Rocca Roveresca, il Palazzetto Baviera, Palazzo del Duca, la Fontana dei Leoni, Piazza Roma e la sua Fontana del Nettuno, Palazzo Mastai, dove sono esposti preziosi cimeli appartenuti a Papa Pio IX, il meraviglioso Foro Annonario, il Nuovo Teatro La Fenice ed il Musinf, museo d'arte moderna, dell'informazione e della fotografia.

La Rotonda

La Rotonda a Mare has been restored to its former glory through an intervention that overall recovery was divided in two installments successivi. L'inauguration of the new Round took place in the summer of 2006. The proposed use of the Rotunda is now proposed to merge the functions within the same space of entertainment and tourist promotion of the region, becoming space accessible to all, a showcase of all the original proposals that come from contemporary culture.

La Rocca Roveresca

From the beach through a number of convenient access to the city you can reach the historic center dominated by the mighty fortress Roveresca. The property is perfectly preserved, dates back to 1480 and was built by Baccio Pontelli. It is a classic example of Renaissance military architecture, a square with four towers at the corners. Inside are the remains of the pre-existing Roman fortifications and you can visit the underground walkways and the doorways and halls adorned with decorations that are home to the permanent exhibition of the historical centers of the Marches.

Il Foro Annonario

The Foro Annonario is a structure that is located in the town of Senigallia, located in the historic center and a few steps from the central Piazza Roma, as well as close to the river Misa. The work was designed in 1834 by architect Peter Ghinelli in the neoclassical style, who proposed a circular which arose on the 24 Doric columns that support the structure above and forming a porch. To build all the bricks were used. Today we held daily buying and selling of fish (on the porch), fruits and vegetables (the central square), while in sottottetto are placed the library and the municipal archive.

I Portici Ercolani

It was Cardinal Joseph Ercolani to design the building and arcades in the mid-1700s. Tradition has it that in 1200 precisely in this area of the city were brought the relics of Mary Magdalene, who are remembered for the strong pilgrimage that ensued. It was after this event that the Fair was born of Mary Magdalene is still organized by the city in late August. The porches are made up of 126 arches along the river Misa.